Home Magazine Issues ART Issue 11 & 12

ART Issue 11 & 12


Art, and life, require collaboration. Even if you’re accustomed to plugging in and zoning out, endless hours in solitude will only get you so far. New people and new ideas challenge you, support you, and open up new avenues of creativity.

For this reason, we explored the theme of Juxtaposition for our end of the year double issue, to celebrate creative differences and show what can be made when diverse perspectives come together (cue The Beatles please). This issue features work and interviews from 56 fantastic creatives in and around Austin.

Featured Artists and Organizations
Ellie Alonzo, Armadillo Christmas Bazaar, Art Outside, Austin Design Week, Taylor Bailey, Nicholas Battis, Dwight Beningus, Big Medium, Tara Bogart, Maysa Bogheiri, Mike Boland, Akki Brathwaite, Rick Byrnes, Elizabeth Carrington, Tom Cox, Rachel Crockett, Day Dreamer, Marcie Dodd, Natalie Earhart, Eye Dr., Selena Fara, Soledad Fernandez, Forklift Danceworks, Curtis Griffin, Blake Hampton, Nina Ho, Jordan Hourie, Imagine Art, Kristin Ingram, Isra Khan, Madden + Moon, Nelson Mak, MediaTech Ventures, Jonica Moore, Nailivic Studios, Jeanette Nevarez, Jennifer Marie Pate, Adrian Patenaude, Pecha Kucha, Pixel Pushers Union 512, Rebeccah Polk, Sam Rahman, Chad Rea, RealMusic Events, Caleb Richardson, Robo Roku, Nicci Sevier-Vuyk, Alexis Sleeper, Kristi Standley, Swayló, Tierra Firme, Kevin Tong, Matthew Trujillo, Lauren Zambito, and Zachary Zulch.

Full color
80 pages of fun and inspiration
4.5″ x 6″ pocket size format
Release date: 9/01/2018

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