Naming pets (and random animals) can be difficult.
They’ll live their entire lives chained to whichever string of letters you decide. And we all know you’ll be shouting their name countless times through a hundred different emotions.
Make it count. Choose something worth it. Like one of our Celebrity Animal puns.
Try getting mad at little Bill Furry or Justin Timbersnake. Just try.
Cats & Dogs
- Kitty Purry
- Chuck Norrhiss
- David Hisslehoff
- Feral (Cat) Williams
- Meowly Cyrus
- Perry Feral
- Ashley Hissdale
- Caterine Zeta-Jones
- Cat Williams
- Cat Bellamy (of Muse)
- Cat Stevens
- Woody Meowlan
- Chairman Meow
- Bark Ruffalo
- Kurt Russell Terrier
- Howly Berry
- Bill Furry
- Brad Pittbull
- Pitbull
- Woofy Allen
- Dodie Bark
- Madogna
- Ellie Gouldog
- Zach Bruff
- Sandra Bulldog
Fluffy Furry Friends
- Scarlett Johamster
- John Hammster
- Rabbit Downey Jr. (or Sr.!)
- Bad Bunny
- Bunny Raitt
- Will Ferret
- Ferret Fawcet
- Vin Weasel
- James Squirrel Jones
- Calvin Hareis
- Ellen DeCheddares
- Daniel Ratcliffe
- Cockatoo-pac Shakur
- Tequila Mockingbird
- Leonardo DiFlaprio
- Jamie Lee Birdis
- Woody Owlen
- Weird Owl Yancovic
- Owen Owlett
- Willem Dafowl
- Jimmy Fowlon
- Dennis Quail
- Charlize Heron
- Squawkin Phoenix
- Christopher Squawkin
- Hillary Puffin
- Seth Crowgan
- Curt Crowbain
- Gwyneth Palcrow
- Macawley Culkin
- Jason Seagull
- Steven Seagull
- Jimmy Talon
- Jimmy Falcon
- Mayer Hawkthorne
- Feather Fawcet
- Feather Locklear
- Gooseal Ball
- Goose Bader Ginsburg
- Geese Witherspoon
- Goose Springsteen
- Ryan Gooseling
- Robird Downey Jr.
- Jim Canary
- Matthew McSwanaughey
- Tilda Swanton
- Ron Swanson
- Swan Bon Jovi
- Anderson .Quaak
- Quackie Chan
- Quacklemore
- Ben Affquack
- Duckleberry Finn
- Duck Norris
- Michael Quackson
- The Quackson 5
- Brenduck Urie
- Audrey Honkburn
- Kobe Bryant
- Bee Arthur
- Beeyonce
- Bee Thugg (of Chromeo)
- Bee-a (Sia)
- Kate Moth
- David Lee Moth
- Flyly Flyrus
- Flysa Minneli
- Luke Flywaker
- Molly Ringworm
- Spidey Klum
- Mrs. Doubtspider
- Joe Spiden
- Tarantula Basset
- Spi-Dermot Mulroney
- Tarantulina Jolie
- Kristin Earwig
Farm Animals
- Goldie Fawn
- Fawn Solo
- Gwen Stefawni
- Hamela Anderson
- Gabbie Hama
- Lindsay Loham
- Aperaham Lincoln
- Ozzy Oz-boar
- Piggy Smalls
- Piggy Azalea
- Jennifer Lopig
- Brad Pig
- Bette Muddler
- Sydney Porkier
- Natalie Porkman
- Kevin Bacon
- Andy Warthog
- Hulk Hoggin
- Merle Hoggard
- Edward Snorton
- Amy Swinehouse
- Tammy Swinette
- The Notorious P.I.G.
- Reba McEnshire
- Ewe‘n McGregor
- Meryl Peep
- Meryl Sheep
- Ed Sheepan
- Lady Baa Baa
- Moolissa McCarthy
- Marilyn Moonroe
- Mootilda
- Megan Fox
- Llama Del Rey
- Alpaca-cino
- Dustin Hoofman
- Neigh Guevara
- Neighlor Swift
- Pony Mitchell
- Milton Burro
- Selena Goatmez
- Elkon John
- Adeer Levine
- Eva Longhornia
- Christopher Walkhen
- Hennifer Lopez
- Hennifer Lawrence
- John Leghend
- Cluck Norris
Into the Wild
- Aperaham Lincoln
- Ape Vigoda
- Teddy Mercury
- Beary Styles
- Bearnie Sanders
- Bear Grylls
- Amy Polar Bear
- Harry Elephante
- Koala Deen
- Elkton John
- Steve Moosechemi
- Moose Springsteen
- Anjoeylina Joeylie
- Nine Inch Snails
- Lionel Richie
- Julion Roberts
- Lion Gosling
- Melion Martinez
- Tiger Woods
- Hugh Jackalman
- Jaguar Binks
- Mick Jaguar
- Michael Jackalopeson
- Hyena Gomez
- Hyena Bonham Carter
- Ellaphantz-gerald
- Gordon Ramsay
- Neil deGrasse Bison
- Mole Gallagher
- Vincent van Goghpher
- Justin Beaver
- Bruce Quillis
- Elon Muskrat
- Meerkat Stevens
- Bridgit Mendlemur
- Lemur Gallagher
- Jay-Zebra
- Catherine Zebra Jones
- Tri-Cher-atops
Sea Creatures
- Abraham Inkin
- George Washingfin
- Fin Diesel
- Mary-Kate & Ashley Olfin
- Leonardo DiCarprio
- Eel Patrick Harris
- Eel Diamond
- Elvis Presleech
- Paul McCarpney
- Olivia Newton John
- Olivia Newton Prawn
- Prawn Travolta
- Mark Narwahlberg
- Narwhalt Disney
- Jelly Clarkson
- JD Salamander
- Seal
- Sealena Gomez
- Johann SeaBasstian Bach
- Ringo Starrfish
- Rob Blowfish
- Pond. James Pond.
- Guppy Hanna
- Tuna Turner
- Squid Vicious
Reptiles, Amphibians & Mollusks
- Eddie Lizard
- Lizard of Oz
- Lizards of Waverly Place
- Justin Timbersnake
- William Snakespeare
- Dwayne “The Croc” Johnson
- Demi Lovatoad
- Christoadpher Walken
- Frog Ross
- Christina Aguillator
- Turt Reynolds
- Voldetort
- Snailvis Presley
- Willie Snailson
- Iggy Asnailea
- Snailson Mandela
- Miksnail Gorbechov
Join in!
Help us become the world’s foremost authority on celebrity animal puns by posting your favorites in the comments below.
Sealena Gomez
cmon guys
Good one!
Selbeena Gomez
Johann SeBASStian Bach
Nice, even better: Johann SeaBasstian Bach!
Christopher Squawkin
Nice! Added.
My duck: Pond. James Pond.
LOVE it!
Kitty Purry
Moolissa McCarthy
Marilyn moonro
My geese and pigs names…..
Duck Norris
Gooseal Ball
Audrey Honkburn
Feather Fawcet
Sydney Porkier
Bette Muddler
They sound like amazing pets! Added!
Tuna turner
Geese Witherspoon (Reese Witherspoon)
Hyena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
Dodie Bark (Dodie Clark)
Ed Sheepan (Ed Sheeran)
Elkon John (Elton John)
Will Ferret (Will Ferrell)
Jimmy Falcon (Jimmy Fallon)
Guppy Hanna (Gabbie Hanna)
Gabbie Hama (Gabbie Hanna)
Jennifer Lopig (Jennifer Lopez)
Madogna/Madoga (Madonna)
Demi Lovatoad (Demi Lovato)
Bridgit Mendlemur (Bridgit Mendler)
Chuck Norrhiss (Chuck Norris)
Brenduck Urie (Brendon Urie)
Adeer Levine (Adam Levine)
Beary Styles (Harry Styles)
Ellie Gouldog (Ellie Goulding)
Zach Bruff (Zach Braff)
Gwyneth Palcrow (Gwyneth Paltrow)
Julion Roberts (Julia Roberts)
Sandra Bulldog (Sandra Bullock)
Hyena Bonham Carter (Helena Bonham Carter)
Robird Downey Jr. (Robert Downey Jr.)
Melion Martinez (Melanie Martinez)
I thought this was so fun, me and my brother just came up with these for hours while drawing what some of them would look like XD
These are amazing! Definitely added.
We would love to see the drawings if you still have them! You can send them in under our Contact tab > Contribute.
Neighlor Swift
how could you forget Bearaddict Carpmonster??
only true fans will get it 😉
Hahah good call! Can’t believe our forgetfulness…
Guns N Rodents
Kristin Earwig
Matt Dalmation (Damon)
Steve Froggers
Toady Croak
Peter Croaker
Steve Doggers
Tony Bark
Peter Barker
Bee Arthur
Natalie Porkman and Kevin Bacon
George Cooney
Lady Baa Baa
Pony Mitchell
And my absolute fav….
Swan Bon Jovi
Yes, yes, and YES!
Eel Patrick Harris
ChrisTOADer walkin
PIGGY azalea
kim kardaSHEEPen
john legHENd
calvin HAREis
So good! Adding them to the list 🙂
Just thought of a new one i needed a rat name hor Hogwarts mystery all my pets are puns ?…
Ellen DeCheddares
Tom Shanks
Gordon Ramsey
Cluck Norris
Haha perfect!
Quackie Chan
Duckleberry Finn
Classic. I assume you have a pet duck?
I cant believe yall forgit John Hamster
How could we?! Just added 🙂
The croc and beea
The rock and sia
Lol, thank you!
Bearnie Sanders
Christina Aguillator
Sounds sassy!
Neigh Guevara
Chairman Meow
Haha, we’d be scared of these pets!
Ellen DeCheddares
Nicest mouse of all time!
Frog Ross
Yes! Very artsy
Edward Snorton
Hahah yessss oink
Ewe’n McGregor
LOVE! Added!
William Snakespeare
These are amazing!
Turt reanolds (Burt reanolds)
Hahah this is what we live for
We’re in love with all of these suggestions! Keep them coming and check out our new print magazine issues in our shop!
Meowly Cyrus
Steven Seagull
Gah, of course!!
My own pigs’ names plus a few:
Merle Hoggard
Tammy Swinette
The Notorious P.I.G.
Reba McInshire
Amy Swinehouse
Sounds like quite the famous crew! Added, thanks!
haha I love this list! Was feeling adventurous and wanted to see how many clever names people could think of! Unfortunately I am also disappointed… I am a HUGE fan of Jamie Lee Curtis and am quite shocked that nobody thought to suggest Jamie Lee Birdis. Given her influence on modern day media and yogurt for god sakes (can’t get enough of the stuff) she deserves some respect! LOL
Love it!! It seems so obvious now—this is why we’ve needed you.
Donkey named Milton Burro
He sounds cute! Added
Snailvis Presley
Willie Snailson
Snailson Mandela
Miksnail Gorbechov
These are amazing! Can’t believe we were so slow to get these on the list.
Brad Pig
Now that’s a handsome and clever pig!
Mark Narwahlberg
Narwalt Disney
Haha! These would be fun to draw!
Tilda Swanson
Rob Blowfish
Ringo Starfish
Rabbit Downey Jr.
Steve Mooseschemi
Giraffe Depardieu
Macawley Culkin
Llama Del Rey
Koala Deen
Meerkat Stevens
Elephants Gerald
Amy Polar Bear
Brad Pittbull
Jay Zebra
Catherine Zebra Jones
James Squirrel Jones
Neil deGrasse Bison
Squid Vicious
These are all table markers at The Mud House in St. Louis : )
Wow some fantastic additions here!! Thank you so much. We’ll definitely have to visit next time we’re in St. Louis! Sounds like somewhere we’d enjoy.
Elon Muskrat (riding a rocket ship blaring a Captain and Tenille 8 track….)
Good one! Can’t believe we didn’t have that yet. Good ol’ Elongated Muskrat. I hope someone chooses that one to create for their ART Club commission!
I have a ferret called Vin Weasel
Omg tag us on instagram next time you post a pic of lil Vin! Added!
Leonardo DiFLAPPYo (elephant)
Haha awesome! Both sound cute
Sealena Gomez, Hyena Gomez, Selena Goatmez, Gooselena Gomez, and Weaselena Gomez (Selena Gomez).
Alexpanther Noyes, Alexander Noyhens (Alexander Noyes)
Harry Elephante
Ape Pagoda
Aperaham Lincoln
Awesome, added!
Lizards of Waverly Place (Wizards of Waverly Place)
Lmao love it! They’re always up to something…
Sealena Gomez, Hyena Gomez, Selena Goatmez, Selhena Gomez, Gooselena Gomez, and Weaselena Gomez (Selena Gomez).
Alexpanther Noyes, Alexander Noyhens (Alexander Noyes).
We have been doing these as costumes for about 6 years now (I didn’t know this site existed, but I am OVERJOYED to find it now)- we’ve done Amy Swinehouse, Cockatoo-pac Shakur, Tuna Turner, Olivia Newton Prawn, Prawn Travolta, Tri-Cher-atops, Moose Springsteen, David Lee Moth, Ozzy Oz-boar, Elkton John, Bunny Raitt… this is our PASSION
All of these are incredible! So good to know there are other pun-passionate people out there <3
Chick Jonas
Joey Jonas
Selhena Gomez
Selhena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
Gooselena Gomez, and Weaselena Gomez, Mooselena Gomez, Selhena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
Henor Society (Honor Society)
Henor Socigoaty (Honor Society)
Honor Socigoaty (Honor Society)
Hyena Society (Honor Society)
Chickira (Shakira)
Teddy Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
Honor Sealciety (Honor Society)
I am beyond delighted that this list exists. Now I can unload some from my brain and start thinking about other things again.
Moo-ma Thurman
Hissy Elliot
Snake Gyllenhall
Hisstopher Nolan
Neil deHiss Python
Jackie Onas-hiss
Wesley Snakes
or Weasel-y Snipes
Eggie Van Halen (birds)
Kenduck Lamar
Gary Goosey
Quentin Turtletino
QuenFin Tarantino
Finsay Lohan
Oprah Finfrey
Michael Froggy
Michael Froggy (Michael Franti)
Ross Finch (Ross Lynch)
Rocky Finch (Rocky Lynch)
Riker Finch (Riker Lynch)
Ellington Ratliff
John Bonhamster (John Bonham)
Camp Croc
Camp Croc (Camp Rock)
Alexander Goatyes (Alexander Noyes)
Alexsealander Noyes (Alexander Noyes)
Alexander Nohyenas (Alexander Noyes)
Steve Rogoats (Steve Rogers)
Goatony Stark (Tony Stark)
Goater Parker (Peter Parker)
Seal Rogers (Seal Rogers)
Tony Seal (Tony Sealtark)
Peter Sealker (Peter Parker)
Caphyena America (Captain America)
Irhyena Man (Iron Man)
Spider-Hyena (Spider-Man)
Caphen America (Captain America)
Irhen Man (Iron Man)
Spider-Hen (Spider-Man)
Aerosealmith (Aerosmith)
ASealDSeal (ACDC)
Guns N Seals (Guns N Roses)
Hyenarosmith (Aerosmith)
AHyenaDHyena (ACDC)
Hyenas N Roses (Hyenas N Roses)
Aergoatsmith (Aerosmith)
Guns N Goats (Guns N Roses)
Henrosmith (Aerosmith)
Hens N Roses (Guns N Roses)
Deervana (Nirvana)
Teddy Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
Deervana (Nirvana)
Teddy Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
Deervana (Nirvana)
David Bee Roth (David Lee Roth)
Van Whalen (Van Halen)
Teddy Van Halen (Eddie Van Halen)
Deervana (Nirvana)
David Bee Roth (David Lee Roth)
Van Whalen (Van Halen)
Chick Jonas (Nick Jonas)
Joey Jonas (Joe Jonas)
This site is so good!! I came here looking for a possum one, but it seems so Im-possum-ble !!
Add if it’s not already on the list:
Justin Beaver
Jennifer Slopez (turtle)
My crab name: Leonardo DiPinchy
My daughter has a sloth pool float that I call David Lee Sloth 🦥
Puma Thurman
Selbeena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
Selhena Gomez (Selena Gomez)
Will Feral
Swim Shady
Bob Barker!
I just want to see more wooly bear related names
Hennifer Lopez
Slim Snakey and Marshall Slithers
Slim Snakey and Marshall Slithers
(Slim shady. And Marshall Mathers)