The second annual Creatives Meet Business Experience (CMBXP) is happening this week in East Austin. It’s three full days for creatives, entrepreneurs and small business owners of all types to come together as a community to network and workshop new skills.

Photo Credit: Ideology Photography

I sat down with Ashland Viscosi, the founder of CMBXP, to talk more about the intersection of creativity and business and get an inside look at what to expect from this year’s event.

Photo Credit: David Brendan Hall
What led you to create CMBXP?

I was working at the Austin Film Society and as a filmmaker myself, I realized that I was surrounded by the same audiences consistently at screenings and other events in town.

I started asking myself as a creative, how do I grow?

There was a need to better mix these creative worlds to find sources of support. I recognized a need to cross pollinate these different sectors of art and business as a way to network with a new community and sustain my creative passion.

At the time, I knew a lot of filmmakers that didn’t see themselves as business owners. But there are universal business techniques that are applicable to all fields.

How is CMBXP different from other conferences and workshops in town?

Well, it’s not so much a conference as it is a communal experience. I decided to use these alternative terms to to reorient peoples’ minds around the ideas that are presented. One example is that the speakers are called guides. We also try to broaden the term “creative.” It doesn’t apply only to makers who work with physical materials, it applies to everyone.

Photo Credit: David Brendan Hall
Where is the crossover between art and business?

CMBXP is all about equipping artists and creatives with tools to see themselves as business owners. As an artist your ROI is not like typical ROI. Sometimes it’s “journey capital,” that you accrue along the way like friendships, favors and collaboration.

CMBXP is all about how to connect and create with a meaningful network.

What can first timers expect to experience at CMBXP?

Everyone will walk away with tactics and tools to help them not only survive, but thrive in their business. People will build a network with fellow creative business owners that they may have never connected with otherwise.

I think people are surprised at how easy it is to talk and make connections. It’s a genuine community. The whole experience leaves you uplifted and empowered.

It’s not too late to join the experience! Buy your badges and learn more by visiting the CMBXP website.

Written by: Natalie Earhart



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