Issue 17 contributor Emma Van Den Akker experiments with light and color to make paintings that are truly original.

What is your artistic process like?

I tend to have random ideas for art pieces and then as I start them it snowballs into more ideas.

Emma Van Den Akker Artwork Process
Emma Van Den Akker Artwork Process

I like to play with the colors and lighting of paintings. I’m really into painting a face, but manipulating it in some way. For “The light…” piece, I was standing in my bathroom with my phone and a flashlight trying to get a picture in the pitch-black of my face lit from the bottom, and then as I was working on it, thinking about the light, the title of the piece kind of popped into my head. When I’m working I really need to be kind of on my own, in my own peace. I have ADHD so if just one person is around while I’m painting, it just becomes a social hour and I won’t paint at all- it’s very difficult to get me to focus.

Emma Van Den Akker Artwork
Emma Van Den Akker Artwork
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