Tag: surreal


Alexis Sleeper Posts her Surreal Poetry on Craigslist

Writer Alexis Sleeper has turned the surreal into the hyperreal. Her poems are there and then they’re gone. And Austin Craigslist is her journal. We...

Meet Identity Maker and Illustrator Mihai Cipleu

Mihai Cipleu is an identity maker. His work is a mixture of shapes, colors, lines and faces, all that depict strong emotions even through...

Artist Shannon Elder Created Daily Quarantine Collages

Shannon Elder put her quarantine experience into her work. She used her time to make collages that reflect on powerful themes like mental health,...

Marcella Colavecchio’s Paintings Challenge Expectations of the Female Form

Marcella Colavecchio paints figures filled with so much emotion you would swear that they are there breathing right in front of you. Marcella Colavecchio was...
Liza Fishbone Featured

Enter a New Land with World Building Artist Liza Fishbone

You are now entering the Land of Laughter with world building artist extraordinaire Liza Fishbone! Be prepared for smiles, bright colors and characters you...
Illustration by Marcelo Villasenor

Marcelo Villaseñor’s Innovative Illustrations Demand your Attention

Marcelo’s work exists as a collaboration between artist and subject. His surreal illustrations mimic the motions of human movement while adding something more to...
Digital illustration by Chris Tobar

How Chris Tobar Rodriguez Creates His Remarkable Digital Illustrations

Chris’s digital illustrations are visually striking. The layered colors, patterns and textures take on a life of their own, pulling you in as a...
Illustration from Fashion Artist Vogue Vignette

Stylish Ever After: Fashion Artist Vogue Vignette Introduces Alice To Gucci

Fashion artist Vogue Vignette puts style to paper. With a swift stroke of her pen, she is able to capture the essence of people...
Amanda Zappler Whimsical Art Featured

Amanda Zappler’s Whimsical Art Will Make You Smile

Scuba diving dogs, caterpillars in hats, capybaras sipping coffee. They all exist in Amanda Zappler's world. That's precisely why she was the perfect fit...
JR Rapier Surreal Paintings Voodoo Queen host

JR Rapier’s Surreal Paintings Straddle Fantasy & Reality

Austin painter JR Rapier tells stories of her very own. Her surreal paintings walk the tightrope between fantasy and reality, but still express a...